The Japanese Mask

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Finest Flapper Frenzy

You slink through every Speak Easy and Soft Shoe your way into the arms of any gentleman looking to embrace the most sultry taxi dancer in town.

You're queen of the swankiest joints and one of the first to perfect that legendary new dance the 'Charleston'...

You usher Jazz and Art Deco into New York and make your name as the Big Apple's Finest low down, underground, dame of the night. Anyone who's in the know, knows that you're the cat's pyjamas.

Everyone is stuck on you!


The roaring 20's says it all!

The Spartan Traitor

Gladiators, Samurais, Vikings and other warriors from past lives have battled their way into Oculto Masks! Come feast your eyes or the ruthless men and women who cut down legions through the ages.

There's a snake laying among lions... an equally brutal predator in your own right.

You fight along side them, just as lethal as your partners but there's a poisonous place beneath your tongue.

A place that could fell a King and his Kingdom in a single stolen breath. For years you have followed Leonidas, King of Sparta, and when you're drawn into his favoured ring of 300, it isn't the blow of a Persian that kills him.

It is your blade protected with the fortress of his shield that reveals his naked heart to the one he would never suspect.

Eden's unforgettable snake. The wolf in sheep's clothing. David Berkowitz and images of the devil seducing people to commit heinous deeds within the conviction of their own religion. The thorn hidden between the bushy leaves of a fragrant rose.

These were all the inspiration for The Spartan Traitor.

The Bestiarii Fate

Whether you fight for your King by his side, or fight in the colosseum to the death for his amusement... if you survive, revel in the glory of your fame. Even if your fate has been sealed by chains.

Shining with the same brilliant bronze of your skin, your handler firmly attaches your helmet to your face.

You ask him "Why should I wear such shining but small protection when the rest of my body remains naked to the beast?"

Slowly he replies "...should the public be so excited to watch an armoured Gladiator fight the hide of a amorless beast? No. Hear out there their screams. They chant for triumph of nature over man, not man over nature. They chant not for the blood of the beast... but yours.

Shocked you stutter "Then... then if my fate is sealed why won't they give me a older greater weapon? a broader mask? should not the fight last longer for the sport of death??"

Your handler shakes his head sadly "They care not about the time it takes to die. They call for the spectacle of your vulnerable skin, torn naked to the newer weapons of nature.... I promise to bury you well, Warrior."

The Bestiarii unfortunately had a greater chance of losing against his opponent than gladiators fighting other men because the rules of the game dictated that regardless of what beast The Bestiarii came up against... regardless of which weapon he wielded -he had to wear the least amount of protection to make the spectacle of man fighting foreign creature even more exciting for the blood thirsty crowds.

Chief of the Red Paint People

What past ghosts of our land of come and ruled in stronger, better and more accurate ways than us? Find out with these Chiefs in The Shaman Line

As Chief of the Red Paint People you explored North America's shores over 7,000 years ago rivalling your European counterparts in oceanic navigation. You led the swordfish sea hunt while your tribe glistened in layers of red paint.

Others would see your boats on the horizon as if you were sailing into the blood orange sun. They spoke of your people being born in the mouth of fire. You came and you left like a forest blaze long before the Vikings rose

They found your tools and weapons painted crimson but by then you and your people had climbed back into the round flame in the sky.

Chief of the Red Paint People came from a real tribe of Red Paint People also known as the 'Moorehead Phase'. They covered their grave goods and their dead
in large quantities of red paint... but at one point completely disappeared from this earth. They were only discovered 30 years ago and were titled the 'Maritime Archaic Indians'.

It was thought that their entire tribe might have been killed and swept away by tidal waves caused by violent earthquakes which made the already low land they resided on to sink below sea level.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Flight of the Queen Bee and The Honey King

Check out this gorgeous Fundraising Auction Mask along side 'The Honey King' and take steps to work towards making human beings and the earth become two elements that finally begin to work together...

Flight of the Queen Bee

'Flight of the Queen Bee' along side her King and 'The Honey King' beside his Queen 
both carry the weight of this delicate creature's powerful journey to stay alive in a place where danger lurks around every corner.
Wear this mask to not only show that you will fight for yourself, but also for the lives of others. 

The Honey King

Bees demonstrate that survival is only achievable when you work with and for your unit. Humans only reached full behavioural modernity 50,000 years ago while bees existed 35 millions years before us.

They haven't made it through environmental catastrophes by isolating themselves from one another. They understand sacrifice... and in order for us to sustain our species like the Honey Bee, we must learn to see and act beyond ourselves.


Mythical Creatures

'King of the Ashrays' is the newest addition to Mythical Creatures! Learn about Scottish history and become a hidden water spirit dancing in the churning currents of night when you wear this disguise...

As 'King of the Ashrays' you corral your subjects, leading them through oceanic hot springs and frothy rifts... frolicking below the crashing waves of the sea.

As the moon rises you rouse your people and settle into your throne to bare witness to their disappearing, reappearing dance until dawn breaks.

Ashrays are mythical beings found within Scottish Mythology. They are completely translucent water creatures often mistaken for sea ghosts and sea foam. Both males and females are completely nocturnal and can only found beneath the water. It is said that if ashrays are captured and exposed to sunlight they immediately melt with only a puddle of water remaining.

Super Villains

is the first addition to Oculto's newest shop category Super Villains! Be ready to set the world aflame with this disguise and string your followers along behind you!
'Joker on the Town' releases the curling, pungent scent of trouble. You're infectious and donning this mask will enable you to control the will of others and entice them into doing things they never thought they were capable of.  

You encompass danger, raw sexuality and move without consequence. Toss on a top hat and you're ready for action. Lead your brood into the fire with confidence.

'Joker on the Town' was created on a whim, not knowing that he would birth a brand new Oculto Masks shop section: 'Super Villains.' 

Watch as this section fills up beyond capacity with some of the most feared, hated, lusted after and hypnotizing villains of the comic book world.
'Joker on the Town'

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Oculto Masks aired on Urban Rush!

Things are beginning to pick up as we glide toward halloween and this segment came around just in time!

Keep updated by checking in regularly to Oculto's Blog right here and watch for brand new masks that are being created with great love and care on a regular basis in my shop!

Slipping into the next thought...

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Getting into Fundraising Circles

Beloved Occultists... time has passed, yes, but in this time a certain mask maker has not sat idle.

To succinctly bring you up to date, there will be a television guest appearance by yours truly filmed on Tuesday Oct 11/2011 on Urban Rush just in time for All Saints' Day and I've been lucky enough to have assembled three lovely models to show off some of my most exquisite work!

I also happened to have taken on an apprentice whom I've discovered is exceptionally creative in design and meticulous in application. With both of us now working from both ends of the price spectrum we are slowly beginning to replenish the old Oculto Shop while orders tiptoe out by night.

Due to perceptive sniffing via the inter-nets, I've also managed to find a number of fantastic masked fundraisers and charity galas who are quite interested in procuring a few of my masks to be presented as prizes or auction items in exchange for complimentary advertising and referring their guests to my site to browse and/or purchase a mask for the evening.  An excellent beginning overall, I should say!

Thus far:
a) A Breast Cancer mask titled 'Breast Cancer Unmasked' has been created for a fundraiser hosted by True Alum located in Florida. Black tie guests will be arriving in pink and black -thus the mask has been created (and just sent out today) mirroring these same theme colours.


b) Canada's CANFAR held a classy and high energy Zumba, Rumba, 70's and Salsa  'Just Dance' fundraiser for AIDS&HIV with a custom-made Oculto mask titled 'The Conscious Crusade' donated to be auctioned by a towering, scottish Estate Auctioneer who managed to raise thousands that night! 


c) In a few short days I will also be sending away two more masks, donated to the 15th anniversary masquerade gala celebration of Toronto's CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) Team. This event revolves around an evening in support of first responders and their families. Both masks (His and Hers) will be matched by my own chosen theme and be auctioned off!  

Pictures of these beauties will follow very shortly indeed.

So, this is the update and now that things are rolling... and rocking, I'll be checking in far more frequently to give you the scoop on Oculto and all things mask related!

Slipping into the next thought...